luni, 28 aprilie 2014

Day 3 - Monster river, monster hills

The sunny morning announces a great day but I see that a storm is scheduled for the evening. Passing through the fields in the cold air I see more Amish people, a man in a carriage and kids walking the side of the road. I ask their permission to photograph them because I don't want them to hate cyclists.
A puncture keeps me on the side of the road for 30 minutes most of which I use to pump the tire with my tiny pump.

After Lancaster I enter a short but steep portion of highway, with shoulders as wide as a driving lane in Romania. The  day brings longer hills than the previous one and I am glad I fixed the chain, otherwise I would walk the bicycle up. On the other side of a long hill I see what seems to be a lake, it's so big. But it is the river Susquehanna that has a dam nearby. After the bridge over the river into Wrightsville which goes along the remains of an old bridge, I stop to eat something in a greek pizzeria where the greek owners and personnel watch a greek TV channel.
Wrightsville looks really neat but I don't see it too much as the route exits town along the river.
A cyclist appears in front of me and we both fight a fierce wind. Me trying to catch him, he obviously trying to get some exercise or in a very big hurry :). He's Tom, Vietnam war veteran, strong cyclist in the seventies, really nice guy. His home town is a place called Telluride, that I will pass through in Colorado, and suggests I should visit it.

Soon I enter an isolated road (Claudia, my trusted navigator, informed me to eat before because I'm not going to find food for a while). Belly is full of greek spaghetty, I think I'm good.
Real climbing starts, hill tops are very long they feel like small plateaus with a few houses here and there. The wind is howling and I see clouds building up. Approaching storm makes me cut short a lovely conversation with my beautiful wife on Viber, in order to prepare rain gear. Minutes later it starts pouring. I covered the handlebar phone, and pedal thinking that this is not as bad as I thought. The air is so clean, and looks like I am out of the hills. The eye of the storm is behind me, and I seem to be getting away from it.

Soon I find a motel, and with the rain picking up I decide to call it a day. A good decision it seems as the rain became serious and continued through the night.

Un comentariu:

  1. I am happy to hear that you are meeting some nice and helpful people on your trip. It makes me glad to hear about your adventures. Best!
