marți, 22 octombrie 2013

In the beginning there was an IDEA

I find it fascinating how ideas are born. Even the most stupid ones, which you can throw back in the brain's melting pot and transform them into others, maybe less stupid. Carry on decreasing the stupidity, while keeping it interesting, until you actually come up with a good one that might change your life forever.

Of course this is a very simplistic view. I don't have a clue how I got this one, but one day it was there, in my conscience, like an alien spaceship shipwrecked on Earth. At first I was blinking at it in disbelief. Then curiosity kicked in and I started exploring it, first from a distance, then getting closer and closer.

"This is actually for real!" I thought.

The more I looked at it, the more details I was discovering, my curiosity changing slowly into amazement and then into pure joy as I realized I could actually learn to drive this thing and take off into the unknown.

Ok, ok, Sergiu, time to wake up, it's not a real spaceship, it's your bike. And the unknown you're diving in is just relative to your experience. People have traveled America in more ways than you can think of.

Some crazy guy even rode one of these not just across America, but in a World Tour!

I am fine with that.
But still...

Welcome to my spaceship and the journey I'm about to take on it!
(details to follow :) )

2 comentarii:

  1. Hai sa fiu primul care pune un 'comment' pe blogul tau :-) stii ca am inceput deja sa ma laud ca "am un prieten care o sa traverseze Statele Unite, pe bicicleta", iar reactiile au fost "oaauuu!!!, cat de tare e tipul tu ce ziceai ca ai facut?...un Ironman...hmmm, nu prea e cine stie ce...pai iti dai seama ce face prietenul tau, sa mergi atatea zile pe bicicleta, atatia kilometrii...super coool"...deci vezi, deja o cursa de Ironman pare o plimbare in eu care am muncit atata ca sa ma pot lauda cu timpii mei :-))...offff...acum va trebui sa fac un TransAmericanRun ca sa pot sa na laud si eu cu ceva :-)))). Una peste alta, iti tin pumnii si sa stii ca sunt alaturi de tine in acest 'vis nebunesc' made by Sergiu...

  2. Ooo, ce onoare!
    Dar bai Ironman, lasa vrajeala :) Daca cineva e cu plimbarea, eu sunt ala.
    Tu muncesti zi de zi, tragi de tine in antrenamente infernale, stii ca toti te admiram si ne-am dori sa putem ajunge la performante macar apropiate.
    Stai pe drumul tau, mergi inainte!
    Suntem cu tine!
